When it comes to the evolution of streetwear, it doesn’t seem to be a passing trend; people love it and I do not blame the theme. It’s no longer just for skater boys from the 80s and it has grown into this huge industry. Streetwear can be suitable for anyone, and with different variations of this style, you can take all this inspiration from modern-day streetwear and old-school streetwear and make your own unique blend to fit your personality.
Streetwear for men is adaptable for any age and that’s the beauty of this style, which is why I think it will stay and come back for generations to come. Therefore, building your own quality streetwear collection is a great way to express yourself and the perfect investment. Here are 5 streetwear trends we believe you should take a chance on this season.
Outdoor Gear
Designers have fully taken advantage of this trend, making their outdoor gear more versatile. You have quality and practical products for your hiking endeavours, but they are making more and more adaptable outfits so that you can go for a walk around town one minute and embark on a hike the next.
Streetwear for men seems to shift into outdoorsy brands like the infamous North Face puffer that took the world by storm in 2022 and now more frequently you have your solomons and utility trousers from establishing walking brands. Features like Gore-tex a widely functional material, seem to be all that people want and I don’t blame them; they are waterproof and you’re essentially getting a two-for-one; a practical and stylish fit.
So our suggestion would be to research quality brands and spend your money wisely on these products. They don’t tend to be cheap but you get what you pay for and they will stand the test of time for both style and practicality, which is a great bonus with streetwear for men.
70’s Textile Takeover
Streetwear has begun copying old-school classics that your dad has been wearing for years, in keeping with menswear’s ardent idolization of his bad choices. But this time, the dark depths of the 1970s are being raided, rather than the turn of the millennium.
It’s a highly fashionable look for the rustic dad. I have found that I’m reaching for clothes that don’t look fresh out of the packet and have some history to them, and streetwear for men is feeding off that. Finding one-of-a-kind pieces that represent the beginning of this trend is a cool and exciting find to add to your collection this year.
It’s important to note that there is a fine line between vintage and battered. You should utilise vintage shops, pop-ups, online stores and all those quirky Instagram pages that can point you in the right direction for these kinds of streetwear pieces.
A Bit of Both
We’ve all seen that skinny jeans have been abolished and aren’t seen much in streetwear but there is beginning to be a shift from the extreme baggy jeans that we’ve seen more recently and in the 80’s and is transforming into your standard and straight leg fits and revised military and utility trousers. While I can imagine people are happy with this, it just means that streetwear is adding more categories to itself.
I find myself reaching for trousers that are too long for me to drape over my trainers. As long as they have some bagginess to them, you are one step closer to having a streetwear collection. It’s all about how and what you pair them with. You can go full-on and do baggy everything or some prefer baggy jeans and tight tops, which is a good contrast with shapes.